
标题: 建模钢琴!Modartt Pianoteq PRO v6.6.0 [打印本页]

作者: 音频新闻    时间: 2020-4-1 11:35
标题: 建模钢琴!Modartt Pianoteq PRO v6.6.0
" @* g2 o1 J8 C  B
Pianoteq PRO is the ultimate product for professional composers and recording studios, and has proved to be an indispensable tool in many recording projects - from movie soundtracks and tv commercials to the latest hit songs.
. F( q% N6 F  xBy being physically modelled, Pianoteq PRO brings you an extremely sophisticated tool for sound shaping and instrument creation, letting you create your own unique sounds that will enrich your projects. The PRO version works with internal sample rates up to 192 Khz. By using its powerful Note Edit feature, you are able to adjust physical parameters for specific ranges, and even note by note. You can also turn any Pianoteq instrument into a multi-instrument by using advanced keyboard splits for up to 105 notes (concerns instruments with extended octave range).
* F& d2 o: d# x/ o) G9 q! tNote editor
& I0 R( ~* R" {- Q" p3 Z+ ?. y, zThe note editor is designed so that you can work with it effectively - it saves you time and increases your creativity. On top of this, its spectrum profile editor lets you adjust each overtone for each note, bringing you thousands of sound combinations that will help you finding your own unique instrument.
* [  j1 X7 I/ {) a" g7 `; A; rPowerful note editing0 ^( Z4 {2 [  I* R. h! _
Pianoteq PRO offers note-by-note adjustment for no less than 30 parameters:6 b: O! w4 h- [( B5 C. B
Volume- }/ ^  j  O/ A( x! n
Detune. F$ o8 h& X% C1 ?( s1 Q
Dynamics" i' e5 q* L  F
Unison Width
; @3 e+ ?  Y  |# o# LUnison Balance
1 w* s1 Y! j* wDirect Sound Duration
; E% X& ]; P, c% nHammer Hardness Piano
* a+ V$ V8 J+ \5 \: G' VHammer Hardness Mezzo
; @) ~2 T6 X7 m$ Z4 `0 \' `1 G: b: hHammer Hardness Forte
' e* z; G2 n% W8 Z  U2 SSpectrum Profile
3 |& N7 o% x( w7 x6 |Hammer Noise: M; _3 p- q4 x% @0 v) S+ U
Strike Point  B( w$ n2 R  n, A9 `
Pickup Symmetry( C: x9 `1 U* }# v
Pickup Distance
; Y* f2 d, L' W5 x% r0 X  gImpedance
+ K$ T0 h: x; b% P( a4 TCutoff+ E* C* l5 a4 _1 ]; S
Q Factor: p& c# Y+ X) W% k
String Length
. L. M+ x: B. \3 K$ nSympathetic Resonance- b5 M+ J  n' J" {% t
Pinch Harmonic Point
# l4 D7 [& ^5 H2 @$ S  ODuplex Scale Resonance0 N1 W2 Y. i" T6 }5 N
Damper Position) ]6 R/ x, g2 H; x% f
Damping Duration. Y; p2 O1 J- `: b% K3 M2 s
# s' }% T* g- _' \# R3 {Damper Noise2 m' o+ Z0 `0 F- U5 }
Key Release Noise
( k9 ?- O( Q% c7 T" d) LBlooming Energy+ d5 s! q7 K2 ^2 M# R9 [# e
Blooming Inertia
$ k: r8 O4 P0 T9 c4 R& nAftertouch Sensitivity3 S& Q1 s) E* C
Hammer Tine Noise6 |7 F# }  a+ B: j% p; E

. z2 J3 d2 B& I' c5 Z2 N% _% TDATE:21 Mar 20202 |1 U& V+ j8 ?+ x; }8 ^

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