[Kontakt] Kontakt Win8 入库工具

mao920841786 发表于 2015-5-12 14:23:49 | 只看该作者
看看效果!mbfhh5 w# o8 a) L  L! h
! `. ~  t! D/ U# e/ C+ @
Native Instruments 即将推出 Kontakt 5.5 版本0 O6 X) z; k3 C6 ^  E& w
8 ]  b- R( A& y0 \, `0 E7 |; c
! L$ H9 @+ K  Q: ]  Q, mhttp://www.native-instruments.co ... upcoming-5-5.94387/
/ w4 J# I( V5 H1 U( ~  q: D7 [/ U! j* u$ P9 A, J
The update will include the following improvements:) I; \3 Z% H, r  H3 A
! w6 c! g" ~8 W/ X# I
0 Q; U* _* W# q2 B+ K
- j* i: S* l2 W5 d; y% f8 TExtended KSP format plus additional parameters for the KONTAKT engine, for optimised engine use with new instruments.
- W  m8 W* V0 g+ q! @1 GControl Time Machine Pro voice settings from KSP
3 Q7 ?+ L# A' _: g2 YChange the contents of FX Slots from KSP; z+ W5 {# h$ Z0 a5 E5 s
Control time-related effect parameters (Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser) via KSP  Q$ a( Q( P$ ]" y
* C9 y% _/ L1 O6 H7 n4 j# Z9 l
Time-related parameter handling* j5 q% m9 j2 ~& J# `$ A3 s
User interaction options for time-related effect parameters are improved, and behaviour is more consistent( H7 i% S; S7 M+ R4 ?  Q
$ k/ s* j2 A5 F$ c* L
Improved performance/ Y  N. G! S. |& F: z0 b
No more CPU spikes during KONTAKT instrument playback when manipulating the host tempo
9 C" @& [8 V3 I8 p7 r2 n( JImproved performance for processing MIDI CC events
5 z9 v0 C0 f# L. T# T; V0 V: p

6 H3 A0 E! b6 j  \' k+ e
+ D: U3 O' o8 C1 aFIXES:5 O$ ]/ C1 a$ x, j3 `, v5 {$ ?
Fixed parse errors in Sonar Platinum
# U$ G0 w, I  o! q- v; b3 XAutomatable parameters are now updating correctly on Komplete Kontrol and Maschine hardware
/ n; S( A5 x3 A( o1 CFixed CPU spike when changing tempo
0 e8 x1 [) w" b. l" z* [1 OFixed crash with corrupted database
0 ]# b- b" Y3 i: y! ]; bFixed automatable parameters not being saved with a project" b5 N' d; d, Q7 I$ ?2 W
Fixed CPU spike when changing EQ Gains0 J7 t1 Z+ E  M- m
Various other minor fixes2 z/ B7 O  J. p/ D7 ~' _

' Z9 N/ _8 h# z4 `9 a1 p8 x& [  z
& b, F  d) f# L, T3 S  B- uThis list is subject to change, and does not necessarily list all features and fixes that will be in the final update.
! P- |1 F/ s7 J
7 ]* M$ v' X! L5 d" d% w2 a0 d---------5 U  y1 l2 ~; {, p3 L$ F8 j" u

" q; l7 D" d+ H' ?' c0 ~6 \$ oPlease understand that it is not possible to give a specific release date until a patch has passed final testing. Updates may revert back to "development" at any time if additional issues are discovered during testing.
7 P3 M$ x8 b8 B5 y& z8 u$ f0 B
3 t+ _7 q- K5 v" ~' V----% v9 N1 W, b/ P9 n0 _2 u

6 e3 Q. g. t. C* XPatch status explanation:# @; v: H- G; k+ |

% P  {, \( q' A; e$ o# B; h" f4 ispecification - the changes to the software are defined, including details of new features and the list of fixes., }/ ]3 L; j+ [% b) B" C+ Y$ @
, x- o. x# _0 K. E4 X- @4 h
in development - the code of the software is being worked on by the developers.
0 L" C, G7 A& A4 R" m
' V# y2 Q$ ~+ c. ?* l! Ybeta testing - the new version is checked by a testing group for functionality, stability and compatibility.1 M% m; o7 C- ^, X
6 @0 I  ?9 q! O+ {  |% B5 y7 z. }
final testing - the update goes through a final series of standardized tests prior to release.' Y  `7 l1 R3 u3 P% Q# _

; i  z# S5 O3 O+ O. q7 G# q6 p1 c, I+ L2 M3 {
6 p) ~/ k) R- G% z6 L

( b2 [9 `$ O( d  }3 B9 S【音频中国论坛】 - 免责声明
8 l: |: _$ b! O1、本帖所有言论和图片纯属发表者个人意见,与本站立场无关;
' p6 d" t# v8 j2 u4 h2、本主题由 : 【薄荷TU】发表,本帖发表者【薄荷TU】依《社区关于版权及免责声明》享有相关权利;; K: l& _- w6 C$ o
3、其他单位或个人使用、转载或引用本帖时必须征得发表者【薄荷TU 】和【音频中国论坛】的同意;
3 x$ K& `0 ^8 e3 F4、本帖作品部分转载自其它媒体并在本站发布,转载的目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责;# [% U- f& ?2 }) l. u
, K' V% Z" Y% ?+ |6、【音频中国论坛】管理员和版主有权不事先通知发帖者而删除本文。* ]/ B* _- G) I& T  _9 N2 i
收藏收藏 % U7 _  c1 `  b1 M8 r1 m: `5 B
转播转播/ q0 \4 d& C& V$ F  m+ P8 |
回复 举报
1 k! c, I7 o2 b# ~( J" _8 c  mao920841786
& `/ g2 n9 a/ b) C: s& B4 U2 `  C0 K# b
TA的每日心情# m/ Z+ y' D7 q3 H% i
        慵懒; Z0 |1 s( ~1 Z8 U2 h5 n( S) q
6 分钟前2 S; Y0 B0 ^! u9 U5 u
签到天数: 13 天1 z" \' l& \$ G& K
: z6 y0 @# K/ M2
, K' ?; b) u0 q) n# h! R% Y主题       
* \4 O# h$ w; s+ e( J30" B. D5 Q* o7 ?) r' h4 J  a6 ^
4 f: a1 }, H4 B7 G/ ]3 k0 }* x25
5 s, f4 M- b2 [积分4 ^. n) _6 X2 n( \1 V1 r
新手上路8 O: k* a9 f, r/ P* A+ J
Rank: 10 c- e) W( ^1 h+ I- }, A! O' `. k$ T
积分253 L- I  I/ J$ g) X3 V9 g# F0 {9 D. `6 l
沙发, I4 ^6 w5 D8 Y' U. D
发表于 4 分钟前 | 只看该作者
# V  I/ Y# Z9 G7 B) X+ anvhvfjjvfjgfghjj
/ n2 L2 j9 T: l/ c-->
+ L: N$ `# p; H  P. Z回复 编辑支持 反对
; g" _: Q5 e- a4 C" r# F1 [返回列表发新帖回复/ D8 N4 ^8 O- g$ J% r
; K( n8 M7 G" t3 @! V( n9 @7 N/ u, C' c. H
9 _* M+ I. P4 s! J2 M, z                       
& J) ~( @) s$ V1 m; s) U- b                        ! Q. m: S; N; D! ]8 o; T0 v4 g
+ {3 x" ^$ f7 `' o" K  B高级模式
3 i5 H/ q: ^, d. u8 yBColorImageLinkQuoteCodeSmilies|上传2 K, q' z' f, j: X& I' q8 H
4 J5 R" W' f- f" E
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mao920841786 发表于 2015-5-12 14:24:09 | 只看该作者
+ G- A' H8 D5 }6 ^) v
0 q8 {- x' F5 u) p8 \Native Instruments 即将推出 Kontakt 5.5 版本9 X% ^# Q6 h" T% w. N- _( h6 Y
  6 e5 `4 ~8 y5 ]- C' l& a

8 J& \/ `0 z* i! D) _/ P0 chttp://www.native-instruments.co ... upcoming-5-5.94387/
9 E( r# f/ Z9 X, T. f! `6 q, r6 F7 x/ K1 T) \+ a2 V3 ?
The update will include the following improvements:+ U  r1 ~8 t4 r) {- _$ |$ {( Q$ Y& z

, I6 m2 Y1 T3 u; b6 z2 pFEATURES:: l5 I. V* W% o1 g9 I

/ S1 z# m' c" j2 Y2 g8 K2 s0 |! ^; nExtended KSP format plus additional parameters for the KONTAKT engine, for optimised engine use with new instruments., X6 v/ ]/ ?# B3 m. ^, m" U
Control Time Machine Pro voice settings from KSP
* n$ f0 p! q+ T/ ^+ L2 HChange the contents of FX Slots from KSP' o; |* m- e8 V# \  N1 a
Control time-related effect parameters (Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser) via KSP2 \) N6 [9 e" k6 a7 U  h
+ L( S& c" ?8 z/ Y- G8 a! A
Time-related parameter handling. i* I) R- [6 S: I5 v; E
User interaction options for time-related effect parameters are improved, and behaviour is more consistent
$ }7 l$ F% @; N
# Q0 R5 ?! Y0 k4 g8 i  vImproved performance
3 B$ P  @" S( r- f4 vNo more CPU spikes during KONTAKT instrument playback when manipulating the host tempo
! k5 _5 ?/ N9 N' o$ ?Improved performance for processing MIDI CC events7 ^( C4 _& E7 |) d! k

2 [' o* d/ D% w$ f6 ~! [+ Z3 C* d/ @: k
& m( @- i4 x3 }' l  N( r+ u
FIXES:$ A, @) f) P: X0 E5 d' r$ P# a
Fixed parse errors in Sonar Platinum
- ]% V- D' i) B* P" z5 @8 OAutomatable parameters are now updating correctly on Komplete Kontrol and Maschine hardware0 K- i" W$ j( p5 k) s6 b
Fixed CPU spike when changing tempo7 U$ H/ ]5 [! |- ~( ?- h
Fixed crash with corrupted database
2 y8 U; b$ Z* |( Z$ j# O% kFixed automatable parameters not being saved with a project
% s. T+ t# }; Q7 L8 |Fixed CPU spike when changing EQ Gains& X) q1 D  s" |7 {1 S
Various other minor fixes
# o( S9 P  Z' M% |
; e9 z" P' S4 g  `! d  a3 v7 Z  U0 @: @4 c" g
This list is subject to change, and does not necessarily list all features and fixes that will be in the final update.
# p5 H* B! |/ @. \) W: n' G2 }8 Z/ p1 f* m/ R4 G  D! }
---------+ ^1 R0 z! N7 p& E, _; m# [
6 w# V+ l* L9 m  o# j+ v' W
Please understand that it is not possible to give a specific release date until a patch has passed final testing. Updates may revert back to "development" at any time if additional issues are discovered during testing.- T! ~5 N, i; M& l9 A9 W- W# `
5 `7 }: B  r! c0 z0 s0 l, ^
----. P' m# v1 F' r: Y1 S

; ^6 o! z; B3 \7 p' K. WPatch status explanation:
% w9 q  l" g# A1 a8 E7 `! ^
+ f0 s' [. a; ^9 n1 o: \specification - the changes to the software are defined, including details of new features and the list of fixes.* V5 ]& J  I. G* o# P

" r0 F6 J+ G; s4 sin development - the code of the software is being worked on by the developers.
" z1 T7 T( @6 o7 {) {
: ]0 N- m2 l# w4 |/ A% u- o# y" }beta testing - the new version is checked by a testing group for functionality, stability and compatibility.2 v% W  n. ^5 ?

4 \" ^; H, A4 p7 d, |$ Ufinal testing - the update goes through a final series of standardized tests prior to release.( H8 q6 J5 B7 H7 z
$ h, r- {! `+ y9 x
  f& y" v+ l2 t7 [. t

5 f5 C+ N4 _5 c% V: o! S 1 O/ A1 F2 J$ w% o, C: h+ u
【音频中国论坛】 - 免责声明6 U: v9 u; Q: a9 a: C- A' p
1、本帖所有言论和图片纯属发表者个人意见,与本站立场无关;' e" G( v1 H  o" F8 W! ~9 V; _
2、本主题由 : 【薄荷TU】发表,本帖发表者【薄荷TU】依《社区关于版权及免责声明》享有相关权利;
2 _" I$ n- f5 W' Q. y$ h3、其他单位或个人使用、转载或引用本帖时必须征得发表者【薄荷TU 】和【音频中国论坛】的同意;
- n: {$ @5 ^: h; [8 P/ Y4、本帖作品部分转载自其它媒体并在本站发布,转载的目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责;6 ~8 A# N# m; a7 Z9 C
. W/ l+ K8 Q( ~, W6、【音频中国论坛】管理员和版主有权不事先通知发帖者而删除本文。
+ l/ @' l6 z) S收藏收藏
% r3 x/ ?6 V1 b6 S! D转播转播0 `2 ^$ f0 C; f" H7 ~. l) @
回复 举报
8 J" i9 f& ]& q6 s; Y9 G# x# N! Z2 a  mao920841786
1 ~$ L. }* m; s& ?: g* {  s* W' ?3 y4 ]# d
: ?- w/ {! O7 V' D4 |  o        慵懒
3 Y% y+ m$ Z6 P3 `6 分钟前/ g7 Q" c" w2 f3 }1 i8 A
签到天数: 13 天
1 R6 D, n- g% q[LV.3]偶尔看看II
: k# ]$ I0 E+ w2$ q, q* y$ R) a: I2 I' N3 ~. |
主题        * s; A! h: P8 ~7 o
" E9 f0 D2 N' u! G帖子        0 {* O( b; l. Y
251 I4 o! x% {8 g% H1 ~/ E% O$ X
积分  n, a' P8 d1 z+ t  |' m, Z9 A, n7 [
& I9 u5 I9 U! T( QRank: 13 _, A% z  U) n, K" g5 i
. b3 D8 c7 ~$ I% F/ E' A沙发
7 @+ A3 b! J" e+ R发表于 4 分钟前 | 只看该作者
" |1 q& T6 Y! L% s) P5 |nvhvfjjvfjgfghjj) p: U$ g* ~# ?) M0 r9 Q
* Y( F& Z; I( \6 b9 D& q8 h" Z* q1 L回复 编辑支持 反对0 Q( ^  b# y6 [- A
! h2 \$ t- B+ K* p发表回复. U" N4 l- i, b  v6 U; w) I

7 K; C# K( c, j                         5 X/ }! ?5 _/ {- @. l3 \
/ L$ s* r/ D% m$ l                        ; H9 u% F; }. \5 P
                        % P8 ]) p- x+ i" \
高级模式: ^9 i$ e; F! a2 C3 c% ?# V
7 W  a+ _7 B  l1 G
9 ^) G( c7 |, X9 \* \1 `本版积分规则      回帖并转播 回帖后跳转到最后一
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欢笑 发表于 2015-5-15 12:08:41 | 只看该作者
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Mr.wu 发表于 2015-7-14 18:11:07 | 只看该作者

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chen641277699 发表于 2015-10-11 12:07:54 | 只看该作者
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戴前程 发表于 2015-10-12 08:56:17 | 只看该作者
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翰森 发表于 2018-7-29 23:39:16 | 只看该作者

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vip62013 发表于 2018-11-27 21:40:39 | 只看该作者

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tamahime 发表于 2019-5-1 21:20:13 | 只看该作者

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被揍的超人 发表于 2020-1-13 17:56:53 | 只看该作者
急救啊  不能入库
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